Popping the Bubble


People today are more plugged in than ever. Texting, Tweeting, Snapchatting and the like have led to an unprecedented amount of communication and interaction. But as a society, instead of growing closer together we’re falling farther apart. It’s time for people to unplug from their own lives and invest in each others.

If you looked around your stereotypical classroom, you’d find that a large majority of the students have their headphones in and are minding their own business. And if you asked them, you’d also find that majority of the students don’t know each other’s names. Instead of sitting around and waiting for the bell to ring, people should take the time to get out of their comfort zone and meet someone new. You just might make a friend for life.

When new students come to Allen, one of the things they encounter is the large number of social groups. Everyone belongs to their own group, and no one likes to venture outside of their group. Whether it be the band or the football team, people like to stick with what they know and don’t like to branch out. This results in people staying in their own bubbles. If people ventured outside their bubble, they could discover new interests and potential hobbies that they would’ve never been introduced to otherwise.

Additionally, we as a society have created an uncontained animosity for one another. Whether via subtweets or private accounts, people make fun of each other with no fear of retribution. If people took the time to talk and understand each other, it would save time and emotional pain. Hiding behind a screen without hearing the other side of the story does nothing.

Technology is cool and friends are fun, but it’s time that people branch out and pop their bubble. Life is meant to be shared, not contained. Next time you’re sitting in class with nothing to do, seize the moment and make a friend.