What We Have

The average household income in Allen is around $100,000 per year. For the entire United States, this average is $50,000. Problems are still prevalent, as we are all human, but our struggle is menial compared to that of many others. With such a great blessing of living in such a prosperous and safe place, we should be happier with what we have.

We live in the United States, a country many risk (and give) their lives to protect or even just to join. The modern immigration problem exists for a reason: we live in one of the wealthiest, powerful, and generally prosperous nations on Earth. Our generation, politics and society do not seem to care at all. Despite how great and happy our lives are, compared to those of many others, people are always asking for something more.

What else is there to ask for? Most of us certainly don’t need anything; even my relatively poor family still has food on the table and internet access. Although there are things everyone wants (I would love a new computer, Mom), that does not mean our lives are horrible or worthless. You may not have the latest technology, the richest family or the fanciest car, but you hopefully have technology, a family, or a car.

Our lives should not be dominated by wanting. It is important to maintain a grateful perspective: that is, to always remember that we all have at least something. No matter what any of us do, there is always someone or something better than us. You may get a brand new IPhone 7, but you can be sure that Tim Cook has a higher quality iPhone. If we are not grateful for what we have, which is never going to be the best, we will never have peace.

Our only true path to happiness is through realizing what you have, and how great it is. Living in such a safe place, let alone the US, is an enormous blessing. Gratitude is extremely important, as it protects you from jealousy, sadness and bitterness. People from much worse places are happy with very little; we should not be so resistant to being grateful for all that we have, no matter how insignificant it may seem.