My Educational Wishlist

School is such a confusing and weird place. They teach us how to find the slope of a graph or how to read context clues, but they do not teach us that the world is a tough and complicated place to live in.

I don’t understand why schools cannot teach us life lessons that would help a lot of us in the future. The idea of schools having to teach us how to beat a test is completely useless to me and this process should not be the only way someone is successful in life. Teaching us life skills is way more important than a grade on a simple test. There are so many things I wish school had taught me earlier.

        For one thing, I wish school would have taught us about doing taxes. It can be a confusing process and a lot of us will be stuck by the time we have to do our own taxes. I do not understand the percentage we have to pay or how that is even calculated in general.

I also wish that schools would have taught us that saving money was so tough. I get the urge to want to spend which will be harmful to me later in life when I need to save for more important things. How am I going to know when to do my taxes or what to do if I am not provided some idea of the concept?

        Schools should teach us how to be more manageable with our time, instead of working the system to pass a test. I do not see the point of a test when it does not teach us necessary life skills such as learning how to pay taxes or vote for a candidate for president. Some of us do not know how to manage our time well and we fall behind in the real world with jobs and events that require this type of skill. Not only do we lose time management but we are also inclined to be less productive at school and on our homework because we do not have the time to do the work. When the time comes that we step into the world by ourselves, we should spend some time improving management skills for some people.

        But most importantly I wish that schools would teach us how to follow our dreams and just challenge ourselves. We have great singers and future athletes or brainiacs who do not live up to their full potential because they are not encouraged to keep going. Instead they have to prepare for a test and they do not have time to pursue their interests.

        School needs to focus more on life skills than what’s on a test. It would not only help us as individuals but it would  prevent students from making wrong decisions in life, and will also motivate them to want to be the best.