Read This Before It’s Too Late

Is it a mixtape? Is it an album? Nobody really knows, but what’s for sure is that Drake caught everybody by surprise. Drake had been quiet and away from the music scene for most of 2014. But in early February, the Canadian rapper announced that he would be releasing a mixtape before the release of his fourth studio album, “Views from the 6,” but he left out a major detail. The release date. Drake released the project on Feb. 13 and racked up several listens and downloads immediately after.

The mixtape received plenty of mixed reactions, from people thinking it was some of Drake’s best work to others saying it was disappointing. I personally give it an 8 out of 10. Only because there was many “slow” songs and I prefer faster beats and faster flows from rappers, but that’s just me.

The 17-track “mixtape” came together with the help of many different producers and had some rappers featured on various songs such as OB O’Brien, Travis Scott and PARTYNEXTDOOR just to name a few. The cost for the “mixtape” was $12.99 which really makes no sense since mixtapes are free, thus making this an album.

So technically the world will be getting two albums from Drake this year with “Views from the 6” set to be released later, so basically “If You’re Reading This It’s Too Late” was sort of the appetizer before the main course.

All in all, Drake as usual gave the fans a good piece of music and made it look effortless. If this was any indication of how “View from the 6” will be, we’re in store for another classic album from Drake.