Hoco Q and A with Sabrina Christensen

Q: “Why did you want to apply for homecoming queen?”

A: “I applied for homecoming court because I thought it would be a fun life experience. When I was little, I always looked up to the girls on homecoming court and I thought they were so cool. I hope a little girl looks up to me like I did to those girls.”


Q: “Do you have any campaigning ideas?”
A: “I have just posted pictures on social media and told people to vote for me. I know some people gave out candy, but I was slacking and didn’t get around to that.”
Q: “How did you feel when they announced your name last Friday?”

A: “I was pretty shocked. I was not expecting to be voted into the top five, since so many of the girls on the primary list are so amazing. I definitely thought some band kids would beat me.”
Q: “What’s one word that describes how you feel for Friday night?”

A: “Anxious”
Q: “What are you most excited for regarding the whole homecoming experience?”

A: “Homecoming has literally consumed my life starting in June. I have spent countless hours working with my advisor to plan the perfect dance. I am really excited to see the whole thing come together and for everyone to see the final product. I think this year’s homecoming will be one to remember and being on court has added a fun element to the whole experience for me.”
Q: “Anything else you’d like to add?”

A: “All of the homecoming candidates deserve to be king and queen, so I will be excited for whoever wins.”