James Bond: No Time to Die
On May 8, 1963, the first James Bond movie was released, marking the start of one of the most popular action film series of all time. Since its release, there have been 27 movies and 12 different actors in the shoes of the iconic spy. The most recent of those actors, Daniel Craig, just ended his James Bond series with the movie, “No Time to Die.”
“I thought the movie was pretty good, I really thought it was pretty good close to the Daniel Craig era of Bond,” Kyle Juntunen said, the film appreciation club sponsor at AHS, “Even though nothing can compare to ‘Casino Royale,’ I thought ‘No Time to Die’ may be up there with the best James Bond movies, and I also think it really went well with the series.”
There were a large number of people that really liked the movie. Many said that it was a good movie for Daniel Craig’s James Bond to end on. Some even say it is up there with the James Bond greats. Even though there were a lot of good things to say about the movie, there were some complaints from viewers. During the making of the movie, director Hans Zimmer replaced the old producer, leaving fans questioning aspects of the movie.
“Overall, the movie starts off with a good start, very traditional, then it just progresses downhill and it just gets terrible,” sophomore Steven Michaels said. “It had a lot to do with the director change and how different people were in the movie. The first director did a pretty great job, but the second one just did a poor job.”
A lot of people had the same complaints, whether that was character development or the awkward feel of the movie. There seemed to be some parts in the story missing, or just some that didn’t make sense.
“It was just a big disappointment. The originals were like a really cool and big action movie with just a bit of romance, and this one felt a bit off with the mood and story development, which just made the movie make no sense,” Michaels said, “It’s like they started with one plot, but then midway in the movie switches and then they just give no context for the new plot.”
Since this was Daniel Craig’s last James Bond film, the directors will have to find a new person to be the great James Bond. Even though there is no news about who might be taking the role, fans are already building up hopes for the next movie.
“I just hope that they carry on with the quality that they have had, because before Craig the last two James Bond films weren’t great,” Juntunen said. “So I just hope whoever takes over makes some good quality movies.”
But not all the hype for the next movie is good, there are some people that really aren’t excited for this next one.
“I honestly think, after this movie, they shouldn’t make another one. I just think it would just get worse if they did make another one,” Michaels said.
Hopefully if they do make another one, it will be worthwhile. Even though this movie may have had some problems. The movie was a bit awkward for Daniel Craig’s final. But for a final review of the movie I would say it is a solid C.

"I am the Eagle Angle Copy Editor, and I love writing and photography. In my spare time I play video games and play the drums. I’m excited for what this...