Senior Editors Recognized with Regional Awards

Kennedy Jackson, The Eagle Angle co-editor in chief, and Meghan Holloran, news and commentary editor, were recognized for winning top places in the Southwest Region-at-Large program of the 2021 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, presented by the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers organization.

Holloran won a Silver Key for her writing portfolio and for her photograph “Dragonfly”, and Honorable Mention for her news article “A Look at Life in Foster Care.” Jackson won Honorable Mention for her design of the December 2020 issue of The Eagle Angle, specifically the staff and table of contents two-page spread.

Since 1923 the Scholastic Awards have recognized some of America’s most celebrated artists, when they were teenagers. The Southwest Region-at-Large includes students predominately in the southwestern United States hailing from Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.