Ugh and UGG to Relationship Drama

How do you count out a one month anniversary? Do you count out 31 days or the day it falls on in the next month?

If you’re going to count out the first month you’ve dated someone, you’d count the day it falls on in the next month, therefore if you started your relationship on March 3, your one month anniversary would be on April 3. Personally I wouldn’t worry about anniversaries unless they’re four, six or a year anniversary because it just becomes too tedious and stressful to continually keep track of how long you’ve been dating. The important aspect about relationships is the connection you share between one another, not how long you have been together.

Stay fresh.

Last year I kind of had a fling with a girl (I’m a girl) and I feel like it would freak my current boyfriend out if I told him, but I also don’t want to be dishonest with him. Should I tell him or not?

 In my opinion it would be better to be straight up with him about this, the worst he can do is freak out and that’s his problem. What you do behind closed doors with whomever you choose is your business. Personally, I wouldn’t unleash this to him unless he asks or if it comes up into conversation. I would wait for an appropriate time to tell him, but when you do you have to be prepared for the worst-case scenario—he dumps you for some ungodly reason, which shouldn’t happen unless he’s a psychopath who doesn’t understand that it’s your decision to fling with whomever you please.

All in all everything should be fine unless you’ve been seeing this chick behind his back because that’s not cool.

Relax. Breathe. And Live.

How old is “too old” to wear knock-off Ugg boots?

Your fashion choices will never go out of style. You are your own person with your own individuality. Fashion is merely a method of expressing creativity, and if you want to rock those UGG boots then by all means wear them like they’re the hottest thing since sliced bread. Slip on those bad boys and take them for a spin, maybe to a grocery store or around the house or even on a walk. Who cares? Besides if what you hunger for is pushing the envelope, ripping the fabric of society, or merely just throwing it back then by all means retro-fy it up and put those puppies to work at school. If anyone gives you lip for wearing them, just smile and strut to class. Let’s be honest, those boots are probably worth more than they are.

One thing though, if they have sequins on them, glitter or look like someone puked Pepto-Bismol on them, then darling please take open flame and burn them. Cleanse yourself of those wretched, wicked demons. No matter what anyone could possibly wear there’s no saving those who own pink sparkly UGGs. SAVE YOUR REPUTATION. Those kinds of shoes put the ‘UGH’ in ‘UGGs’.

Hope this fashion lesson gave you some insight on how to look totally ‘hot-to-trot’ in high school. If you need more information on what to wear, or what’s in then read Sincerely Stylish’ articles in the school magazine. Keep on slaying dudette.

This girl and I have had a thing but I don’t know how to ask her to be my girlfriend officially. How should I do that?

The best advice I can give to you is that you should be straight up with this girl and tell her how you feel. Now that doesn’t mean confess your love to her that burns like the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns but just say “Hey, you’re cute lets go on a date.” Make sure you plan what you’re going to say beforehand, it doesn’t have to be a Shakespearean sonnet or even the next Da Vinci Code, but it can’t just be full of “uh um yeah like um err yeah.” That just reeks of insecurity and awkwardness, and that does NOT attract girls. CONFIDENCE IS KEY.

To go about asking her to be your official girlfriend, take her out on a couple dates and see how they go. This doesn’t mean spend your college fund on this girl. I would recommend going somewhere you and her would both enjoy being. I highly suggest planning a date where talking is a big aspect of what you and her are doing. Instead of going to the movies, which is so cliché and predictable, take her to a field to stargaze, plan a picnic or even go on a long drive to find some gem hidden away in this town or towns nearby.

On this date, wherever you choose to take her, just wait for the perfect moment to ask her out—usually this doesn’t happen on the first or second dates. But when it does happen, just relax, grab her hand and let the words flow from your mouth. It’s a lot easier than you’d think.

I hope everything goes swimmingly. It probably will if you utilize these tips.